"The wicked shall do wickedly, and none of the wicked shall understand but the wise shall understand," Daniel 12:10.
"At the time of the end knowledge shall be increased, and many shall run to and fro."
Daniel 12: 4.
Printed at Jerusalem, Israel, by the Mount Zion Reporter Press. Explanation By A. N. Dugger
P.O. B. 568 - Jerusalem, Israel (ca. 1960s)
Table of Contents
The Book of Daniel
Chapters 1-2 Explanation
Now For the TestA Third Kingdom of Brass
The Fear of Communism; Communism Ruled Out as World Kingdom
The Feet of Miry Clay
Rendering an Unbiased Judgment
The Messiah's Kingdom of Stone
Chapters 3-7 Explanation
The Prophet Daniel
The Fourth Beast
The Period of the Little Horn
Tampering With the Decalogue
The Beast under the Little Horn Fulfilled This Prophecy
Conclusion of Chapter 7
Chapter 8 Daniel's Vision of the Ram, Etc.
Chapter 9 Prophecy of the Seventy Weeks
The Coming Messiah
Chapter 10 Daniel Seeth A Glorious Vision
The Purposes of Gabriel's Visit
Chapter 11 The Overthrow Of Persia
Chapter 12 General Resurrection Foretold
Chapter 1 Jeohoiakim Captivity
Chapter 2 Nebuchadnezzar's Dream
Notice particularly verse 28 of Chapter 2, that this vision concerns what will take place in the LATTER DAYS. It reads, "There is a God in heaven that revealeth secrets, and maketh known to king Nebuchadnezzar, what shall be in the latter days."
Also note the latter portion of verse 45, as follows, "'The great God hath made known to the king what shall come to pass hereafter, and the dream is certain, and the interpretation sure."
Although the interpretation was not in harmony with the future plans and desire of the king that the glory of his kingdom would never fade away, but would remain as a perpetual world kingdom, yet he fell upon his face and worshipped Daniel. He also made him ruler over the whole province of Babylon, and chief of the governors (verses 46 to 49). It was the Holy Spirit from heaven accompanying Daniel that brought this conviction on the king and lead him to place Daniel in high places in the kingdom.
Now For The Test
Let us now be fair with ourselves, and give this important matter a thorough investigation. Before us stands this metal man. It is claimed that this head of gold represents the king of Babylon, and Nebuchadnezzar the king. It represents the times when Gentile kings rule the world and is therefore a Gentile man.
Following this renowned king Nebuchadnezzar, there was to follow another kingdom represented by the breasts and arms of silver, and it was to also bear rule over the entire world. The two arms represent strength from two sides. According to all histories and encyclopedias, to which one may have access in our public libraries, it will be found that the Medes and Persians overthrew the kingdom of Babylon and set up another world empire known as the Medo-Persian empire, 538 B.C. The history of the conquest and capture of Babylon is briefly told in Daniel 5th chapter, to which all histories agree and which comparatively recent excavations of old records confirm.
A Third Kingdom of Brass
There was also to follow another kingdom to bear rule over all the world, and it was represented by the third division of this Gentile man composed of brass.
Consulting our records again, we find that the prophetic announcement came true thus far, and a third universal kingdom ruled the world. It is known in history as the Macedonian Empire, or the kingdom of Alexander the Great. In the spring of 334, Alexander set out for the conquest of the Persian Empire with an army of thirty five thousand men with elephant cavalry and long spears. In the year 333 he won the memorable Battle of Issus. One battle after the other was won by the swift speed of this unusual character, until the known world was conquered. It is said of him that he wept because there were no more nations to conquer.
The Fear Of Communism
It should be of extreme interest to a world in fear of Communism, to search the records and find if the fourth kingdom has come, or if the fourth epoch announced by this prophet has been fulfilled. As we look into the pages of history, however, our fears melt away as the snow flake. The fourth kingdom has come, true to the voice of the prophet, and ROME is number four. All persons acquainted with history know that the Roman kingdom was established following the Grecian kingdom, and it has likewise held dominion over the entire world.
Communism Ruled Out As World Kingdom
The reign of the Caesars as kings of the 4th empire which was the Roman kingdom, began 31 B.C., and it was this fourth and last world kingdom responsible for the destruction of the second temple at Jerusalem under the Roman General Titus, 70 A.D. It has been stated by historians that six hundred thousand Jews perished in the siege of Jerusalem.
This kingdom, like the three preceding was universal, and fulfilled the prophecy with startling precision. Yes, the fourth kingdom has come exactly as the prophet announced, and it has had the strength of enduring iron. By it the world has been broken into many pieces as the prophet said. All histories and records of the past fully establish the facts that we have thus far set forth in our investigation. We need not fear Communism, Imperialism, Capitalism or any other ism or any nation, in the future establishing a world kingdom. There is no place left for such, except the one illustrated by the stone by which all Gentile kingdoms are to be broken to pieces and crushed. This stone does not represent any earthly nation for we are told it was cut out of the mountain WITHOUT HANDS.
Since the world entered into the divided and broken up state of the fourth empire, there have been a number of efforts made to establish another world kingdom. The followers of Mohammed made the first attempt, which swept in all the world excepting Europe, but after the successful campaign thru Spain, their warring armies met defeat on the plains of Gaul in 732 A.D.
Another attempt was made by Napoleon Bonaparte, but he met defeat by the armies of the Duke of Wellington at the famous battle of Waterloo, 1815 A.D.
Kaiser Wilhelm of Germany also had similar dreams of conquering the world. His palace can be seen here now on the Mount of Olives, as a conspicuous landmark to bring to our minds the terrible events following 1914 when he set out to conquer, but he came to his end.
Hitler was another, and the last so far to attempt the conquest of the world, and he, like Kaiser Wilhelm, Napoleon Bonaparte, and the Mohammedans, also met his Waterloo. In like manner will any other nations go down in defeat, that may attempt to change the "Times and Seasons" ordained of heaven, for it is true as Daniel told the king. "There is a God in heaven that ruleth among the kingdoms of men."
Having found that the second division of this Gentile man included his two arms, which represent strength from two sides, so we find that the second kingdom was composed of dual strength, namely the Medes and the Persians. As we approach the lower extremities of this Gentile man, we may naturally expect something in history to correspond with the two legs.
I turn to page 338 of Myers General History, a work adopted and at one time used in all of the schools and colleges of America. Here is what we find under the heading, "Division of the Roman Empire," we quote, "Just before his death, Theodosius divided the empire between his two sons, Arcaddius and Honorius, assigning the former only eighteen years of age, the government of the East, and the latter a mere child of eleven the sovereignty of the West. This was the final partition of the empire. The separate histories of the East and the West now begin."
You may consult any history regardless of the language, looking up the name "Theodosius" in the index, and you find the same facts that (395 A.D.) the fourth empire was divided into two divisions, the East and the West. How striking do we hear the same term now being repeatedly used in the news papers all over the world, "The East and the West."
Now let us notice briefly again what the prophet said about this fourth world wide empire represented by the iron. He spoke thus. "And as the iron that breaketh all these, shall it break in pieces and bruise." Here reference is made to the strength of the iron excelling that of the brass, or the silver, or the gold, and it says it shall break them in pieces and bruise. All of the kingdoms represented by these metals were broken into pieces both in the East and in the West, but the two legs have remained in their fragmental form exactly as stated. The East and the West have been divided into two opposing religious groups, viz. the Roman Catholic and the Greek Catholic churches, the Roman Catholic in West and the Greek Catholic in the East. During the First World War of 1914, the Greek Church was overthrown by the rise of Communism in Russia, at which time the disintegration of Gentile nations began, followed by the Second World War. Now a third one is smoldering which will be the third stroke in the destruction of Gentile kingdoms, just as three successive strokes destroyed the Jewish kingdom at Jerusalem (2 Chronicles 36).
The Feet of Miry Clay
Here are the words of the prophet, which most graphically describe the present weak and tottering condition of earthly governments. The feet were part of iron part of miry clay, and so it is said of the feet, "There shall be in it of the strength of the iron, forasmuch as thou sawest the iron mixed with miry clay. . . . The kingdom shall be partly strong and partly broken. They shall mingle themselves with the seed of men, but they shall not cleave one to the other even as iron is not mixed with clay" (Daniel 2:41-43).
It will be observed that there are two outstanding elements dominating world politics. One of these represents the strength and power of capitalism and the other Communism, which is now rendering all governments unstable, weak, and tottering. This is the final stage of Gentile nations, and it represents a very dangerous condition, a foreboding of unending destruction.
Rendering An Unbiased Judgment
The statements set forth in this work are based on the facts of history, which anyone may examine and prove for himself. The boldness of Daniel to take such a risk in so definitely stating what was going to come to pass thereafter, and in the "Latter Days" was proof of his sincerity and belief in being guided by the God of Israel. Now, after having found that all of these things took place exactly as announced, how can any unbiased intelligent person deny that Daniel was governed by a higher power than himself? It was after a night spent in prayer with his Jewish companions in the dungeons of Babylon, that the dream with its meaning was revealed. Therefore everyone and especially those who pray can come to but one intelligent conclusion, that "There is a God in heaven that revealeth secrets, and maketh known what shall take place hereafter." Now after 2500 years, when we have found that these announcements concerning future events have come to pass so accurately, there is no reason for doubts that all future announcements by this same prophet will come to pass.
These four world empires have come. There have been just the four, no more or no less. Repeated efforts have been made to establish another world kingdom during the long period represented by the iron, but they have failed, leaving the words of the prophet unstained. The God of Daniel and of Israel, by just this one line of prophecy, has established Himself and the future announcements are assured that have been made thru the same divine source, many of which reveal great things for the future.
This prophecy is only one of many to be found in the Word of God. Some of the most outstanding will be in following pages of this book, in our effort to establish the reality of Israel's God and His future promises for this world.
The Messiah's Kingdom of Stone
In-as-much as four epochs are past, and four of these great empires represented by the gold, the silver, the brass and the iron, have come, and are established facts of history what about the fifth, the stone kingdom. Will the prophet go down in defeat now after 2500 years during which time his announcements have stood the test, thru passing events, or shall we look for the fifth kingdom? It would be folly not to do so. No intelligent person will doubt that inasmuch as four of these kingdoms have come, one following the other, the fifth one will also be a reality. This fifth kingdom is to be as enduring as stone, and the prophet said it would last forever. It is to break in pieces, consume and destroy these Gentile kingdoms. Note particularly that this fifth and last one is future and will be given to the people of the saints of the Most High (Daniel 7:27). Now this brings us down to the "Time of the End" of Gentile nations, which was to be marked by the increase of knowledge, with many running to and fro, just as we have it today. We are eyewitnesses to this very period, seen by Daniel in vision. Notice it says, all of these metals representing the four periods of Gentile rule become chaff. That is, they become worthless, and the WIND CARRING THEM AWAY. Wind represents war in the scriptures, as also seen by the prophet Jeremiah. He says, "A whirlwind was raised up from the coasts of the earth," and there was such a universal destruction that no one was left to bury the dead. This is the coming Third World War, the atomic war, now in preparation, seen by both of these prophets (Jeremiah 25:32-33).
Daniel said the "WIND" carried them all away, and then the stone, the fifth universal kingdom became a great mountain and filled the whole earth. This is the Messiah's kingdom, but notice that it was not to come until Gentile times had reached the feet and toes, of this Gentile metal man. Now inasmuch as these two legs of the fourth Gentile kingdom, viz. "Rome" did not come into being until the death of the Roman king Theodosius, 395 C.E., or A.D., when he divided the empire between his two sons Arcadius and Honerius, the beginning of the East and the West, the Messiah could not come in His kingdom until we had reached the feet. Now we are in the feet. Yes in the very toes of the feet, when His glorious coming is very near at hand.
Chapter 3 The Golden Image is Set Up
Chapter 4 Nebuchadnezzar's Dream
Chapter 5 Belshazzar's Impious Feast
Chapter 6 A Conspiracy Against Daniel
Chapter 7 Daniel's Vision of Four Beasts
Verses one and two of Chapter 7, "The four winds of heaven strove upon the great sea." Four ravenous bloodthirsty beasts came up out of the water.
Wind is a symbol of war, death and destruction. The prophet Jeremiah wrote as follows:
"A great whirlwind was raised up from the coasts of the earth." The slain were from one end of the earth to the other (Jeremiah 25:31-33).
In chapter 23:19, "Behold a whirlwind of the Lord has gone forth in fury." The sea or water is a symbol of nations, tongues and people. Hence Daniel in vision saw these four winds turned loose, and through repeated wars, four beasts were seen to come forth. Then the Kingdom of Elohim was in order, as event number five, when peace and righteousness would reign supreme, with our Messiah as King.
The angel said to Daniel, "These four beasts are four kings (kingdoms) that shall arise out of the earth, but the saints of the Most High shall take the kingdom, and possess the kingdom. forever, even forever and ever."
The fourth beast shall be the fourth kingdom upon the earth." Verses 17, 18, 23
Verse 4: His wings were plucked off and he stood upon his feet as a man, and a man's heart was given him. Read again chapter 4, and you will understand the meaning of this.
Verse 5: Three ribs in the mouth of it. These three ribs represent the three provinces of Babylon: Babylonia, Libya, and Egypt, conquered by the bear.
It was nearly 600 years B.C.E. when this very unusual vision was given to the prophet Daniel. The first beast like a lion symbolized Babylon, then mistress of the world, represented by the bead of gold in the image of chapter two, seen by king Nebuchadnezzar in his dream the meaning of which was revealed by this same prophet. In this dream and interpretation, the four metals, viz., gold, silver, brass, and iron, represent these same four world kingdoms. In the chapter under consideration, however, they are again announced and illustrated here by ravenous bloodthirsty beasts descriptive of Gentile dominion of the world until the coming of the kingdom of God, represented in chapter two by the stone. The four kingdoms are here repeatedly illustrated by different symbols in order to introduce, and identify, the apostasy of religion, in the fourth period, and the closing drama of Gentile times. Hence these beasts, especially the fourth one, very dramatically concerns us today.
Beginning with the time of the first beast, and the head of gold, or Babylon, every well informed student of history knows that there have been just four great world kingdoms that have ruled the world in their order since the days of Daniel; they were Babylon. Medo-Persia, Greece, and Rome. No man, without inspiration, could have given such singular and most accurate pronouncements covering thousands of years of future history. In spite of many repeated efforts of kings to establish another world kingdom they have utterly failed and will fail. The next one is to be the Kingdom of Heaven established here on earth, for which the saints have been praying. "Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done in earth as it is in heaven."
Verse 6: Four wings. Speedy movement. At the age of 32 he conquered the world. The four heads. At Alexander's death, he divided the empire between his four leading generals Lysimachus, Seleucus, Ptolomy and Cassander (Myers, General History, page 170).
Grecia was Alexander the Great, and the Fourth Beast, Rome, "The fourth beast shall be the fourth kingdom upon the earth" (verse 23).
The Prophet Daniel
When the writer attended the University of Chicago fifty years ago, Deans Matthews and Price, both leading instructors in the theological department, taught us that Daniel's prophecies were given at a much later date, and that he did not live in the days of ancient Babylon. Also that there was no such a king ever reigned as king Belshazzar, and they showed us the names of the succession of kings, on the large clay tablets from the ancient library of Nebo, discovered by archaeologists in 1845. It seemed most convincing to some, but it did not shatter our faith in the Biblical record given in Daniel.
Modernists do not dare to make such claims. However, now, because of late excavations in the Holy Land which prove beyond any question that Belshazzar did rule as king on the throne of Babylon during an eighteen year period, while the regular king had fled for his life, and remained in another country because of threatened assassination. It is also proven that Daniel lived at that time, and was also one of the captives taken from Jerusalem by King Nebuchadnezzar, and Biblical records are thoroughly confirmed.
The Fourth Beast
Daniel was more particularly concerned about the fourth beast, and said, "Then I would know the truth of the fourth beast. . . and of the other which came up before whom three fell, even of the horn which had eyes like the eyes of a man, and a mouth speaking great things. Thus he said, the fourth beast is the fourth kingdom upon the earth . . . and he shall devour the whole earth and break it in pieces. And the ten horns out of this kingdom are ten kings that shall arise, and another shall arise after them [The little horn the Papacy], and he shall be diverse from the first and shall subdue three kings. He shall wear out the saints of the Most High, and think to change times and laws, and they shall be given into his hands until a TIME AND TIMES AND DIVIDING OF TIME," (Daniel 7:19-25).
The fourth kingdom was ROME for the angel said to Daniel "The fourth beast is the fourth kingdom to rule the earth," and this was Rome. This fact is made known in every history and encyclopedia of which there are many in libraries all over the land. This fourth beast represents Rome. Between the years A.D. 351 and 476, Rome had conquered and ruled the entire known world. Then true to the voice of the prophet the empire was divided into ten divisions, much of which remains until this day; Anglo-Saxon (England), Burgundians (Switzerland), Franks (France), Visogoths (Spain), Lombards (Italy), Allemani (Germany). Then there were the Suevi,Vandals, Ostrogoths, and Heruli.
The Period of the Little Horn
The scriptures forecast other developments that were to follow the division of the Roman empire into the above ten kingdoms. The angel said, "And another (horn) shall arise after them, and he shall be diverse from the first and shall subdue three kings" (verse 24).
The career of the beast under this little horn leadership was to "wear out the saints of the Most High," and institute religious laws contrary to the customs and practices of the people of God. It was to be a religious hierarchy exercising both political and religious dominion. Just such a power did arise at that very period, and it is spoken of in all histories as "The Rise of The Papacy." Church and state were united, making indeed a dangerous union, and it was to think to change laws, also times, and was to subdue three of these ten kings. Its identity is known by the fact that Rome, beginning the Papal period, plucked up the kingdom of the Heruli, Vandals and Ostrogoths, which work was accomplished before the year 538 A.D., when the last of the three, the Ostrogoth kingdom, was plucked up.
This period was to continue for "a Time, Times and the dividing of Time." A "Time" anciently was one year of 360 days. "Times" was always two years or 720 days, and a half a Time, would be half of 360 or 180. Adding these together we have 1,260 days. This was the period for the church, (the saints), to be under the dominion of this persecuting power.
The scripture and history both show us that the ancient year had just 360 days.
Now as we go over to the book of Revelation, we also find that Israel and the church, represented by the woman of chapter 12, was to be overpowered and persecuted by the beast. for the same period of time, and mentioned in the same language. Rev. 12:6, 14. In verse 6, this period is represented in clear terms, and said to be a thousand two hundred and three score (60) days, exactly 1260.
History confirms this again with startling precision, when as a result of Napoleon's military expeditions, Rome was captured the year 1798 and church and state separated, with the pope banished on an island in the Mediterranean Sea. As the prophets have told us to take "each day for a year," this event of 1798 occurred exactly 1260 years after church and state were united the year 538 with the plucking up of the last of the three kings of Rome.
The Old Family Bible, Bucks Theological Dictionary, Britannica Encyclopedia (old edition), and many older reliable authorities tell of the long period or persecution upon those who would not yield to the doctrine and to the authority of Rome. During this period, the Roman hierarchy not only persecuted the dissenters but also reached after the Jews. When Queen Isabella of Spain appointed the priest Torquemada as chief inquisitor in the year 1483, it marked the beginning of the tragic experience of Spanish Jews resulting in their expulsion in the year 1492.
Tampering With the Decalogue
"He shall think to change times and laws [in Chaldaic and in Hebrew, 'the Law']," Daniel 7:25. No other power fits into this prophetic picture. In order to make room for the adoration of images, the Roman church has virtually eliminated the second commandment which forbids such idolatrous worship. The time for the celebration of the Passover (Easter) was changed at the council of Nice 321 A.D. and placed on a fixed Sunday. Before this it was always celebrated at the same time as the Jews, viz., on the 14th of the first New Moon (month) of the spring equinox, the month of Abib.
But the most daring challenge of God's authority consists in her attempt to change the Holy Sabbath from the 7th to the 1st day of the week. It was this power, the Papacy, that substituted the observance of Sunday
The relic of SUN WORSHIP for the divinely ordained Seventh-day Sabbath, that everlasting memorial of creation. The Roman church willingly admits the responsibility or the change, which indeed fulfills this marvelous prophecy given by the prophet Daniel, that the Beast under the little horn, would think to change laws.
It was not the practice of the early apostolic church to meet on the first day of the week as is erroneously claimed today by millions of people, many of whom are innocently deceived, in taking hearsay for facts which cannot be proven from the scriptures. Since Israel has now come back as a nation, there is one place in the world where the true Sabbath is observed. Buses and trains stop running on the Sabbath here, and all business is closed. The Holy Spirit calls this day the Sabbath 55 times in the New Testament while the first day of the week is only spoken of eight times, and only called "The First Day of The Week," and nothing more. Not once is it mentioned as a sacred or holy day and not even as a customary meeting day of the apostles.
The Beast Under the Little Horn Fulfilled This Prophecy
The message of our day is, "If any man worship the Beast and his image, the SAME SHALL DRINK OF THE WINE OF THE WRATH OF GOD."
The wrath of God mentioned here is the "Seven Last Plagues." See Revelation 15:1, and 16:1. Hence this last message, "The Third Message," (Rev. 14:9) is a warning to the world of the approach of these plagues, those who will be affected and those who will escape.
The religious denominations not giving out this warning message will surely receive of these plagues, and be counted as beast worshippers.
The apostle Paul says, "The one to whom you yield yourself a servant to obey, his servant you are whom you obey," Romans 6:16. Beware, dear reader, of BEAST WORSHIP. This is a message for these last days. Many of our forefathers did not know what is now coming to light and they will be judged accordingly. Thousands of pure hearted loving persons have observed Sunday, believing it was the Sabbath of the Commandment, and they will not be lost. They did not live in the days of the "Closing Message." They will not be condemned for what they did not, and could not know, but it is quite a different matter with us, who have been permitted to live in this age when "knowledge has been increased" - in the time of the end. (Dan. 12:4-10). Those whom the Father has ordained to be saved, He has given this message, and He will help them by the presence of His Holy Spirit to walk in the light, and also be a light to others.
The Armageddon beast is this same beast under the little horn career, after its "deadly wound has been healed," (Rev. 13:3), which was inflicted upon the Roman Empire when she was dismembered, and church and state separated under the wars of Napoleon. We are living in the time when the wound has been healed and the spiritual power of Rome is again witnessed and felt.
The prophet Daniel predicted that this power would presume to tamper with God's immutable law, the Ten Commandments. We quote from "The Convert's Catechism of Catholic Doctrine," by Rev. Peter Geiermann, p. 50, second edition, which work received the "apostolic blessing" of Pope Pius X, January 25. 1910:
Ques. - "Which is the Sabbath day?"
Ans. - "Saturday is the Sabbath day."
Ques. - "Why do we observe Sunday instead of Saturday?"
Ans. - "We observe Sunday instead of Saturday because the Catholic Church, in the Council of Laodicea (A.D. 1364), transferred the solemnity from Saturday to Sunday."
We quote from another Catholic source:
Ques. - "Have you any other way of proving the Catholic Church has the power to institute festivals of precept?"
Ans. - "Had she not such power she could not have done that in which all modern religionists agree with her - she could not have substituted the observance of Sunday the first day of the week for the observance of Saturday, the seventh day, a change for which there is no Scriptural authority." "A Doctrinal Catechism," by Rev. Stephen Keenan, approved by the Most Rev. John Hughes, D.D.
We will cite one more testimony from a Roman Catholic source, namely, a letter from Cardinal Gibbons, to Mr. John A. Ashley, of Rock Hall, Md.:
"Cardinal's Residence,
"John R. Ashley, Esq.
"Dear Sir: In answer to your first question, directed by the cardinal to reply to your letter, I will say:
"Who changed the Sabbath?"
Ans - "The Holy Catholic Church."
"Are Protestants following the Bible or the Holy Catholic Church in keeping Sunday?"
Ans. - "The Protestants are following the custom introduced by the Holy Catholic Church."
"The Protestants do contradict themselves by keeping Sunday, and at the same time profess to be guided by the Bible only."
"I am, Faithfully yours, Fr. Thomes, Chancellor."
To sum up our investigation: The inspired prophet foretold many centuries in advance that a religious power would attempt to change the Decalogue. We found that such an attempt was made by the Papacy. We also learned that the Catholic Church confesses that she has instituted this change and that this substitution is contrary to the Scriptures, both of the Old and New Testaments. Thus, by the combined testimony of the Scriptures, of history, and of the Catholics themselves, we have ascertained that it was the papacy who presumed to make a breach in the immutable law of God. How could the prophet Daniel so accurately describe this power centuries before its actual rise, unless he received divine illumination?
Conclusion Of Chapter 7
We go back now to verse 9, where the events are pre-announced that would happen at the end of the 1,260 years allotted to the Papal Horn. It reads: "I beheld UNTIL the thrones were cast down and the Ancient of Days did sit, whose garment was white as snow, and the hair of his head like the pure wool. His throne was like the fiery flame. . . . The judgment was set and the books were opened."
Note that on the previous pages this 1,260-year period that the "Little Horn" was to do its work ended the year 1798. Then following this, "Daniel BEHELD UNTIL the thrones were cast down." This clearly suggests a period of time following 1798 when: "Thrones would be cast down."
This is exactly what has happened. During World Wars One and Two, about all of the thrones of Europe were cast down, and these nations are now ruled by dictators, etc. The King of Egypt has also been dethroned and truly this pre-announcement of our day has been most wonderfully fulfilled.
Now we pass on to verses 26 to 28 where Daniel repeats the closing events of this age that follow this "beholding period" for the thrones to be cast down. He says concerning the Little Horn, "Judgment shall sit and they shall take away his dominion to consume and destroy it to the end."
This also marvelously agrees with other prophecies concerning this same power just before the Messiah returns in His kingdom.
Here is the next and final event which is very near: "And the Kingdom of dominion and greatness of the Kingdom UNDER THE WHOLE HEAVEN (not up in heaven) shall be given to the saints of the Most High."
Note again verses 13 and 14: "1 saw in the night vision and behold one like the SON OF MAN came to the ANCIENT OF DAYS [the Creator] . . . and there was given Him dominion and glory, and a kingdom that all people, nations and languages should serve Him. His dominion is an everlasting dominion, which shall not pass away, and His kingdom that which shall not be destroyed."
Our beloved Messiah is here called the "Son of God," Who is soon to come with all His mighty angels in great power and glory to deliver Israel, to resurrect the righteous dead, and to give this everlasting Kingdom to "the little flock" - Luke 12:32 - Israel, all who have been adopted into the family of Abraham though Christ. Also many from the Gentiles. See Galatians 3:26 to 29: "If you are Christ's then are you Abraham's seed and heirs according to the promises." These will be left among the living and changed to never dying creatures at His coming. - I Thess. 4:16, 17; I Corinthians 15:51 to 53; Rev. 11:15, etc.
Chapter 8 Daniel's Vision of the Ram, etc.
Remarks On Chapter 8
This chapter introduces another very important line of events which were to take place, and which did come to pass with amazing accuracy, to which History wonderfully responds. This vision was given to Daniel the year 553 B.C. as you will notice at the top of your Bible. Most Bibles give the dates when the events recorded occur. If yours does not have these dates it is good to purchase one that has them.
Notice verses 16 to 19 that the angel Gabriel came and told Daniel the meaning of this vision. Therefore its interpretation is heavenly and divine.
In verses 20 and 21 Gabriel said: "The ram which thou sawest having two horns are the kings of Media and Persia. And the rough goat is the king of Grecia, and the great horn which is between his eyes is the first king."
This announcement by Gabriel to Daniel made the year 553 B.C. did not come to pass for over two hundred years. All histories give the birth of Alexander the Great the year 356, and he conquered the world at the age of 32. Notice that Gabriel said this "Great Horn" was the first king of Grecia, and he is known in all histories as "Alexander the Great," so Gabriel even gave him this title of "GREAT" almost two hundred years before he was born.
Notice verse 22, that when the horn is broken, four kingdoms will stand up out of the nation. This was also fulfilled as set forth in the previous chapter concerning the four heads on the leopard beast, chapter 7, verse 6, and their names are given.
This prophecy is repeated here in order to give us a starting place for the great horn and its work, that was to come out of one of these four kingdoms (verse 23; also verses 8 to 14).
This prophecy came true with the same amazing accuracy as those we have been considering. The horn which it says "Waxed exceedingly great toward the south, and toward the east, and toward the Holy Land was Mohammed, the founder of the Moslem religion which has over three hundred million adherents today, including all of the nations surrounding Israel, including Egypt.
Notice that this horn was to wax toward the south. If this horn is Rome, as some erroneously teach, then we have two horns representing Rome, and furthermore Rome did not begin her conquests by waxing great toward the south. Had she done so, her first stroke would have been across the Mediterranean Sea with the conquest of North Africa, which she did not do.
Mohammed was born the year 570 in the city of Mecca, coming out from the East of Alexander's empire. In the year 622, known in all histories and dictionaries as the "Hegira," he fled to the city of Medina three hundred miles north of Mecca. It was here where he gathered his warriors and began his conquest with the sword. His first stroke, says history, was the south, capturing Mecca and surrounding territory. Then, after he extended the faith through all of the East, he returned to Medina where it says the desert was literally covered with the black tents.
Mohammed had twelve apostles, the same as Yahshua (Christ). He taught his followers to pray facing Jerusalem, hoping that he might win the favor of the Jews who had returned there after the Roman invasion, and were offering up the animal sacrifices from altars built on Mount Morriah. See Sales, History of Mohammedanism. Over twenty volumes can be examined in the University of Chicago Library, which the writer studied when attending that university the years 1912 and 1913.
Notice, verse 11, that this exceedingly great horn was to take away the daily sacrifice. This is exactly what it did, and this was the permanent removal.
Antiochus Epiphanes removed the daily sacrifice the first time. Then it was restored by Judas Maccabee, but removed again by Rome.
This was the second time. After the Jews had returned to Jerusalem and offered their daily sacrifices from altars built on Mount Morriah where the Temple stood, this exceedingly great horn Mohammedanism removed the sacrifice the third and last time.
After the removal of this "morning and evening" daily sacrifices by Antiochus, it was to be taken away for twenty three hundred days. The margin of your Bible says: "Evenings and Mornings," as there were two sacrifices each day. It was exactly 2,300 evening and morning sacrifices omitted before Judas Maccabee cleansed the sanctuary and re-established the sacrifices.
Verse 11 says: "He magnified himself even to the Prince of the host" of heaven. In the Mohammedan Bible, "the Koran," it says the Creator revealed himself through four holy men: to Moses, David, Jesus Christ, and to Mohammed, the last and greatest of them all.
Hence he magnified himself above this Prince of Heaven - Yahshua (Christ).
This exceedingly great horn was to arise "in the latter times of the four divisions of Alexander's empire, and - "When the transgressors are come to the full." -Verse 23.
The Eastern division of Alexander's kingdom, "Seleucus," remained intact territorially from which this exceedingly great horn arose, after "the transgressors," Rome under the Papacy had come to its full. This was in 538 when the last one of the three kings was plucked up, as previously introduced in chapter 7 and after the transgressors had come to their full, thus fulfilling this prophecy.
CHAPTER 9 Prophecy of the Seventy Weeks
The Jewish nation here had drifted away in worldliness, idol worship and sin, which brought upon them calamity and destruction. Ezekiel and all of Israel's holy prophets gave them repeated warning of pending destruction.
We read in 2 Chronicles chapter 36 how king Nebuchadnezzar, of Babylon, in three successive strokes destroyed Jerusalem, burned the house of God, and led the Jews away to Babylon.
A Wonderful Pre-arranged Visit
Following the destruction of Jerusalem by king Nebuchadnezzar the year 606 B.C., Daniel was led away captive to Babylon. In verses 20 and 21 of this chapter we find him praying for the restoration of Israel and confessing the sins of his people. While he was on his knees praying as it was his custom (chapter 6:10 it says he kneeled upon his knees three times daily), the angel Gabriel was caused to visit him. He came to give Daniel "skill and understanding" - Verses 21, 22.
Verse 23: At the beginning of his humble prayer a commandment came forth from the Creator to Gabriel for him to go to Daniel. Gabriel said: "At the beginning of thy supplication the commandment came forth, and I am come to SHOW THEE."
The Coming Messiah
Verse 23: "Seventy weeks are determined upon thy people, and upon thy holy city, to finish the transgression, and to make an end of sin, and to make reconciliation for iniquity, and to bring in everlasting righteousness, to seal up the vision and the prophecy and to anoint the Most Holy."
Notice that seventy weeks were determined upon the Jewish people and upon the Holy City Jerusalem to bring about six important conditions as mentioned in this verse.
When prophecies are given in relation to days, it has been definitely proven by passing events, that we must take each day for a year in their correct application. The prophet Ezekiel gives us this instruction chapter 4, verses 5 and 6.
We have also learned from chapter 7 how wonderfully the 1,260-day period applies to Rome and the work of the little horn power, the papacy.
This seventy-week period, reduced to days therefore equals 490 years, as there are 490 days in 70 weeks. At the end of this 490-year period, reconciliation was to be made for iniquity, and a means provided to forgive sins, or to make an end of sins; also to anoint the Most Holy.
Verse 25: The angel gave Daniel assurance that his prayers were going to be answered and a commandment would go forth sometime in the future to restore and to build Jerusalem. This gave him great hope and joy for the future of the city and people he loved. From the going forth of this commandment until the coming of the Messiah there was to be 69 weeks. After the "three score and two weeks" (one score being 20), the Messiah was to be cut off, but not for Himself. It was for others that he was to be cut off.
Notice verse 26 carefully, that after He is cut off there is to be a destruction of Jerusalem and a period of desolation.
The Starting Point
This line of prophecy would be meaningless if it were not for the definite starting place given. - "From the time the commandment goes forth to build Jerusalem" unto the Messiah the prince. - Verse 25.
Did such a commandment go forth and under what circumstances and when?
The Commandment Goes Forth
Daniel did not live to see the promise of Gabriel fulfilled, but we have a record of the decree, and a copy of the letter written by King Artaxerxes to Ezra the priest. This is in your Bible in the 7th chapter of the book of Ezra, verses 11 and 21.
While other decrees had been made concerning the rebuilding of the Temple and also that the Jews had before that began returning to Jerusalem, they were poverty stricken and powerless to rebuild the city and the temple without money. This, therefore, marks the time for the real decree and the basis for the starting of this prophecy of 70 weeks or 490 years.
Ezra 7:11, 12, 16: "Now this is a copy of the letter that the King Artaxerxes gave unto Ezra the priest. . . .Artaxerxes, king of kings, unto Ezra the priest... I make a decree that all the people of Israel, and of his priests and Levites which are minded to go up to Jerusalem go with thee... And all the silver and gold in all the provinces of Babylon that thou canst find with all the freewill offerings of the priests for the house of God at Jerusalem." This whole chapter should be read.
The Jews were a hated people at this time and it required something tremendously shocking to bring these hated captives into favor throughout the nation, and cause such a decree as this to go forth in all the provinces of Babylon.
Gabriel had given the prophecy to Daniel that such a condition must come about in order for the decree to go forth upon which the prophecy of the coming Messiah was based, and He was able to bring this about. It was 17 years previous that the miraculous events recorded in the book of Esther took place, and this was what paved the way, bringing the Jews into favor among all the people. "Many in every province became Jews" (Esther 8:17).
There was a deep-seated meaning, and a far-reaching purpose in the events recorded in the book of Esther. Their real purpose should be made known every year in celebrating Purim.
At the top of the page on my Bible it gives the date 457 B.C. when the commandment went forth to build Jerusalem. This date agrees with all histories concerning the time when Artaxerxes was king and when Ezra was priest. Most English Bibles with concordances have the date at the top of the page when he recorded events occurred. We add 33 A.D. the year He was cut off and it makes exactly the 490 years.
Note that Gabriel said there was to be 70 weeks or 490 years after this commandment went forth until the Messiah came. Also that he was to be cut off and reconciliation would be made for iniquity, that is a means of forgiving sins, etc.
Now we go over to the New Testament and read in the ending chapters of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John where these events happened and find the date given at the top of the page 33 A.D. It was 457 B.C. when the commandment went forth and thus the prophecy was fulfilled.
Note, however, that his 70 weeks was determined upon "THY PEOPLE," the Jews. -Verse 24. Notice also that there is another week not yet accounted for. - Verse 27. In the midst of this week, the Messiah was to cause the sacrifice to cease. Then following there was to be an overspreading of abomination and the land was to be desolate "UNTIL THE CONSUMATION." The consummation began with World War No. 1.
The Messiah was to be cut off, but not for Himself - Verse 26. Now in verse 27, we find that in the midst of this last week, HE WOULD CAUSE the sacrifice to cease. When he made his soul an offering for sin (Isaiah 53:8, 9, 10), the old system of sacrifices ended. The blood of the lamb offered twice daily was finished. This cutting off the Messiah (Isa. 53:8; also Daniel 9:27), happened in the midst of this seventieth week. Then there were three and a half years left to fulfill the 70 weeks exactly. The 70 weeks were determined upon Daniel's people.
During the following one half of this last week, or three and a half years, they refused to hear the message. The Messiah also said just before He was cut off, speaking of the Jews: "They shall fall by the edge of the sword and be led away captive into all nations, and Jerusalem shall be trodden down by the Gentiles UNTIL the times of the Gentiles are fulfilled" (Luke 21:24).
During this three and a half years, they turned against their own race, put them in prison, and stoned them to death. Notice Acts 7:54 to 58, also chapter 8:1 to 3, and chapter 5:18 to 20 etc.
Just as there was a definite turning away from the gospel during this period, now at this end of Gentiles times, there is a positive change coming over Israel. "Blindness in part was to happen to Israel UNTIL the fulness of the Gentiles had come in" (Romans 11:25). Now the Holy Spirit is coming upon Israel (Ezek. 36:24-27).
CHAPTER 10 Daniel Seeth a Glorious Vision
Remarks On Chapter Ten
In verses 2 and 3 we find Daniel mourning for three full weeks afflicting his soul. Then he was visited by an angel, the wonderful description of whom is found in verses 5 and 6. It Is quite certain this was Gabriel who had just given Daniel the wonderful pre-announcement concerning the 70 weeks of chapter 9. Verses 12 and 13 contain an apology from the angel, and an explanation why he was late in arriving with his message to Daniel. He said: "The prince of the kingdom of Persia withstood me one and twenty days, but Michael one of the chief princes came to help me."
Speaking of the Almighty, Daniel says: "He changeth the times and the seasons. He removeth kings and setteth up kings. He giveth wisdom to the wise, and knowledge to them that know understanding" (Daniel 2:21). This work is accomplished through angels, as revealed in the scriptures.
Gabriel was trying to put something over with the king of Persia, but it says he withstood him for three weeks (One and twenty days). Then Michael was sent to help him. The two angels had more power to make this stubborn king do the things mapped out in heaven for him to do.
The Purposes of Gabriel's Visit
Verse 14: "Now I am come to make thee understand what shall befall thy people in the latter days, for yet the vision is for many days."
Verse 21: "But I will show thee what is noted in the scriptures of truth, and there is none that holdeth with me in these things but Michael your prince."
He came to show Daniel what WAS already written in the scriptures of truth, but we have no record of these scriptures. Hence they are scriptures in heaven for the angels. Gabriel said he was going to show Daniel what is noted in the scriptures. Then he gives us the 11th and 12th chapters of Daniel, the last two chapters of the book. Note carefully the reading of these two chapters, for they are thus transcribed, or copied from records or scripture, that we never had before.
The angel begins this wonderful pre-announcement with the 2nd world kingdom Medo-Persia, and step by step tells us what was going to happen in detail down through a period of over two thousand years and also into the future. Here it is, as follows.
CHAPTER 11 The Overthrow of Persia
Many of the outstanding events of the world's history are here pre-announced more than two thousand years before they came to pass, reaching from Daniel's time to the end of the age. It is impossible to quote history in proof of all of these events. It would require a book like this of itself to do so. We shall therefore call your attention to only a few along this chain of two thousand five hundred years.
Gabriel said: "There shall yet stand up three kings in Persia, and the fourth shall be far richer than them all. These came. They were Cambyses, son of Cyrus; Smerdis, an impostor, and Darius Hystaspes. The fourth, king Xerxes, the son of Hystaspes, was famous for his wealth, just as Gabriel announced. His ambition was to conquer the dangerously rising power of Greece, but he finally suffered a disastrous defeat.
Verses 3 and 4 introduce again the first king of Grecia, Alexander the Great, with the division of his empire into the four divisions, previously introduced in Daniel 7th and 8th chapters with the historical explanation, so we will not repeat it here. It is brought in again to give us a starting point for verse 5 viz:
"The king of the North and the king of the South," repeated through this long chain of events, down to the end.
Alexander's empire, following his death, was divided into the four divisions previously named, and through following wars only two of these four divisions were left, the one to the North and Northeast of the Mediterranean sea, and Egypt to the South, but both had much territory added. Wars were frequent between Egypt and Syria. If you have access to a good library and will look up the history of Greece, Egypt and Syria over this period during the three hundred years B.C., you will be thrilled at the wonderful fulfillment of each verse down to verse 16 when Rome enters the picture, and besieges and captures Jerusalem 70 A.D.
Verse 20: The Raiser of taxes. This definitely applies to Augustus Caesar mentioned in most all histories as the raiser of taxes. Also in Luke 2:1. Then verses 25 to 26 pre-announced that notable battle with mighty armies. This was the war between Egypt and Rome, and especially the Battle of Actium. Mark Antony took a prominent place in this war.
Verse 27: "Both of these kings' hearts shall be to do mischief and they shall speak lies at one table." This was remarkably fulfilled between Mark Antony and Octavianus (Augustus) who were in alliance. Anthony stood at the end of Egyptian affairs, while Octavianus led the armies of Rome. Each one was aspiring to leadership. Their pretended friendship was words of hypocrites, uttered at the same table.
With the renewal of war, Octavianus was victorious and returned to Rome with great spoils of victory. Humphry Prideaux in his book, "The Old and New Testament connected in the history of the Jews," vol. 2, p. 38, says: "At that time, vast riches were brought to Rome from Egypt and the reducing of that country."
The history of the Roman Empire for this period also mentions his return from Egypt with great honour and vast riches.
Verse 30: In Isaiah 23:1, we find the land of Chittim mentioned. Adam Clark in his notes on Chittim locates it among the islands to the north in the Mediterranean Sea, near Greece. Verse 30 speaks of the ships of Chittim coming against him. Following the death of Constantine, Rome was subjected to repeated wars and here the ships of Chittim came against him. It says he returned and had indignation against the holy covenant. This was the covenant the Creator made with Abraham, handed down through Isaac and Jacob (Gen. 12:6, 7; also 13:15, 15:18 and 17:27, etc.).
All the land from the river Egypt to the Euphrates was given to Abraham's seed or Israel. Rome here had indignation against this, and hated the Jews, for they were the rightful heirs. It says: he, (Rome) had intelligence with them that forsook the holy covenant. This was the Mohammedans or Arabs who also did not recognize this covenant, and neither Rome or the Arabs recognize it today.
Verse 31: Here it says: "Arms shall stand on his part." That is on Rome's part and "THEY," those that stand with Rome against this covenant, or the Mohammedans, are to pollute the sanctuary of strength, take away the daily sacrifice, and place the abomination that maketh desolate. It was the Mohammedans that stood with Rome and captured Jerusalem without resistance, the year 637, according to the History of the Islamic People, page 36.
Then they built the mosque where the Temple stood, which is still there. The land was made desolate and continued until recent years.
Verses 31 to 36 tell us what happened following and how those having understanding taught the people and did exploits; also how some were persecuted and put to death by this desolating power.
Sales' History of Mohammedanism (with some 20 volumes), tells how around 200 A.D. the Jews began to return to Jerusalem and how they erected altars on Mount Morriah and offered up their sacrifices, and how this continued until the Mohammedan occupation in 637. Rome being against the Jews, it is understood, made a league with the Mohammedans permitting them to occupy Jerusalem because of their common indignation against this holy covenant, with only slight resistance.
The Jews were persecuted and not permitted to live with the Catholic Christians who were here after the Roman occupation following 70 A.D. Sales' History of Mohammedanism says that Mohammed had twelve apostles, the same as Christ, and following his successful conquest of all the countries to the east, he ordered his army to pray facing Jerusalem hoping to win the Jews gathered there, as they had rejected Christ. Not being successful however, they were persecuted and many slain, as these verses relate.
Beginning now with verse 36, it says: "The King shall do according to his will." etc. This goes back to where we left off with verse 30, and on ahead with the Roman power. When it says "He," it simply refers to Rome and not to the same king every time, because a good many different kings reigned down through this long period covered by all of these verses.
Verses 30 to 36 refers to "The arms that stood on his part," introduced in verse 30 was the Mohammedan power.
Verses following verse 36 cover the indignation and reign of terror under the Roman empire in France, and the period of atheism, when they worshipped the "god of reason" instead of the Creator. Notre Dame was transferred into "the Temple of Reason." An idol was set up in the person of "the Goddess of Reason." This condition continued down to the time of Napoleon, around 1790.
Verse 40: "At this time of the end shall the king of the south push at him, and the king of the north shall come against him, etc." This is the first mention of the king of the north and the king of the south for a very long period of time. Egypt, however, was still the king of the south, and Syria, Thrace, Greece and Turkey still represented the king of the north.
This prophecy could have met its fulfillment in the war against France (or Rome) by these very nations the year 1798, in which many ships were used, according to history. The "time of the end" really had its beginning the year 1798 when the 1,260-year period ended with the pope taken prisoner that year by Berthier. If this did not fulfill the prophecy, then it remains yet in the future.
Daniel 12:4 tells us: "That in the time of the end knowledge would be increased, and many would run to and fro." This period of the increase of knowledge began about 1798. The year 1807, the steamboat was invented, the power of steam discovered some years previous; then in 1811, the steam printing press; the locomotive in 1819, etc.
Verses 41 to 43 most wonderfully met their fulfillment during the Napoleon wars. On the 5th of March, 1798, he received orders to make an expedition against Egypt and on May 3rd he left Paris and set sail for Egypt from Toulon, the 19th, with thirteen ships, fourteen frigates and many smaller ships, with 35,000 troops aboard, and 12,300 horses.
Turkey and her allies, however, entered into this war against Napoleon, and Palestine has since been under the control of Turkey until the year 1917 when, as birds flying, Jerusalem and the Holy Land were taken from Turkey (Isaiah 31:5, 6).
The remaining verses of this chapter, verses 44 and 45 will be fulfilled just as certain as all of the events pre-announced in this chapter have come to pass. It is believed by many that this applies to the work of the beast now coming to life after the wounded head is healed. This is explained in the book of Revelation, etc.
CHAPTER 12 General Resurrection Foretold
Verse 1: We are in the beginning now of this time of trouble which will grow worse and worse until the end.
Verse 2: Brings us to the climax, the end of the age, the resurrection and judgment. Verse 3 tells us about the class of people who will be saved and live forever. It is those who through the presence of the Holy Spirit are workers, turning people to righteousness.
Verse 4: We find here a wonderful prophecy being definitely fulfilled now. The next event is the scattering of the power of the holy people. This includes the righteous in Israel and over the world. Their power for service is to be scattered or destroyed. The triune of sin, is known in Revelation 16 as the Dragon, the Beast, and the False Prophet. These are identified in the last part of this book of Revelation.
The power of Israel, as a nation, will be overcome to the extent that all nations will gather around Jerusalem, Joel 3rd chapter, Zechariah 14th, and Revelation 16th. Then they will be delivered by the Almighty just as the armies of Gideon were reduced to less than 300 men and then were victorious through the divine intervention of heaven (Judges 7:2-7).
Verse 10 gives us the assurance that a remnant people called "the Wise" will understand these prophecies, but the wicked will not. Therefore, dear reader, which class are you in? The fact that this book has interested you is proof you are of the wise who will understand, and your work is now to be according to verse 3.
The writer's father was one of the wise. He understood these prophecies, and especially verses 11 and 12. Before his death he gave me his old Bible, and had written across this 12th chapter, in his own handwriting: "The coming world war will take place in 1912 to 1914."
Verses 10, 11, 12: "And from the time that the daily sacrifice shall be taken away, and the abomination that MAKETH DESOLATE set up, there shall be a thousand two hundred and ninety days. Blessed is he that waiteth, and cometh to the thousand three hundred and five and thirty days. But go thou thy way till the end be for thou shalt rest and stand in thy lot at the end of the days." Here we have 1,290 days and then it is extended to 1,335, or 45 years more.
These days reach to the resurrection of the dead, when Daniel will stand in his lot. The key to a correct understanding of this period of days (and many other such prophetic periods), is "a day for a year" (See Ezekiel 4:5, 6).
Consequently we have here a long period of 1,335 years, reaching from a definite starting place, viz. "From the time the abomination that maketh desolate is set up, which took away the daily sacrifice here in Jerusalem, from the Jewish worship. The daily sacrifice was removed just three times before it permanently ceased to the present time. The first removal was by Antiochus, Epiphanes 167-164 B.C., the second by Titus the Roman General 70 A.D., and the third and last time, by the Mohammedans, who erected their magnificent temple of worship on the very spot where both of the temples stood, one being the Temple of Solomon.
The Jewish Encyclopaedia says the Abomination that desolated the Holy Land was the Mohammedan invasion, descendants of Ishmael and Esau, or Arabs.
Mount Moriah where the Temple stood was the only place where they would offer their sacrifice, and when this was taken from them, their sacrifices ceased.
It would seem strange indeed if an event of such magnitude would pass without notice by the prophets of God. Many students of prophecy overlook this most important event and some claim the abomination is yet future. Be sure to carefully note the language of the prophet that it is an abomination that is going TO STAND in the Holy Place, and that maketh it desolate. That is exactly what the Mohammedans have done. They stood here for 1,290 years, and made the land desolate up to the year 1917 when Jerusalem was taken from them.
This outstanding event fulfilled the prophecy of Isaiah where he said: "As birds flying, the Lord would deliver Jerusalem" (Isaiah 31:4, 5).
The English army, under General Allenby, ordered one hundred army airplanes to fly over from the Egyptian air base and as they approached Jerusalem, the Mohammedans struck with a sudden fright, fled in confusion. Thus was the language of the prophet most wonderfully fulfilled with Jerusalem delivered "as birds flying." This was the year 1917 to which your measuring rod pointed with the far end on the date 627 when they won the big battle clearing the way to Jerusalem.
Place this measuring rod 1,290 years in length: on the date of the Hegira, 622, when the Mohammedan era was set up, and from which event their calendar starts, this end will reach to 1912. This was the year of the beginning of World War One, confined to the Balkan countries, spreading to a World War in 1914, which was the beginning of the consummation or the consuming by war of the Gentile nations.
Now place this measuring line of the 1,290 and the waiting time of 45 years (the 1,335), which is just 45 more than the 1,290, on the date 637 when the Mohammedans captured Jerusalem and it reaches to 1972.
Therefore 1972 is a crisis year, but we do not know just what is to happen this year. Daniel is to stand in his lot at the end of these days. This does not necessarily mean that the resurrection of the dead takes place the very month, or even the very year, that this time period ends, but he will not stand in his lot or be resurrected until this period ends.
When this period ends depends altogether on the accuracy of historical dates as to when it begins and there is a slight difference among historians.
When Gabriel came to Daniel, he came to show him: "What would befall his people in the latter days" (verse 14 of chapter ten). It is surprising that the Adventists and others in their comments on these chapters leave out the Mohammedan invasion of Jerusalem, the erecting of the mosque on the site of the ancient Temple, when this has such a strong bearing on Daniel's people. It is evident that they are sadly off of the real line of events, and have substituted the counterfeit, which always resembles the genuine.
Note again verse 4 of this chapter. The book of Daniel was to be sealed up and closed UNTIL "The time of the end." How marvelous this has met its fulfillment. The most of this book has never been translated from the Aramaic language into the Hebrew, until recently, and most of the Jewish people do not read this language. Furthermore the eyes of the Gentile world have been blinded by the false teaching from Babylon and Rome, so Daniel and the Revelation are thus sealed to them. They are never taught in the Sunday keeping churches or found in their literature. Hence Daniel has been truly sealed up and closed until this time of the end period when Gabriel said: "Knowledge would be increased" (verses 4, 9 and 10).
This book is also being printed in the Hebrew language and it will make a little over ninety thousand of the book of Daniel that we have translated and printed. Most all have been distributed in Israel and are receiving a hearty welcome.
Note verse 7 in answer to Daniel's question to Gabriel: "How long it would be to the end of these wonders?" The answer was: "It shall be for a time, times, and a half." Then when they shall have accomplished to scatter the power of the holy people, all these things shall be finished.
This period of the 1,260 years of chapter 7 had to first come. Then Daniel beheld till the thrones were cast down, which suggests this same period that is to follow the end of this 1,260 years. But the final events are the devil's wrath upon the holy people, the wise who understand, and are keeping all of the Holy Commandments, etc. and Revelation 12:17; also the 13th and 17th chapters, and explained in the conclusion of this book.
It is, indeed, amazing how the events concerning the Mohammedan invasion of the Holy Land find their fulfillment in events of our day. These announcements of Gabriel are marvelous, and not empty of meaning, but only the wise will understand them. The year 632 was one of importance in the invasion of the Holy Land by the Mohammedans, and when we place this measuring line of 1,290 and 1,335 on this date, it reaches to 1967. This is the year that Jerusalem was taken from Jordan during the Six Day War.
The writer placed this date in his book "The Bible Home Instructor," written over fifty years ago, as a crisis date, but not definitely the end of this age. It is likewise true of 1975, but we may now expect world shocking events, for "The Kingdom of Elohim" is very near at hand.
We know that these dates are very important and worthy of our prayerful study.
The angel Gabriel has told us that in the "Time of the End" knowledge would be increased, and many would run to and fro (Daniel 12:4), also, the WISE would understand, this prophecy, but the wicked would not. Consequently remember, dear reader, that you are of just one of these two classes spoken of by Gabriel, the WICKED or the WISE. "Those who understand will turn many to righteousness, and then shine forth as the stars for evermore" (verse 3).
The Saviour said: "After a long time the Lord of those servants cometh, and reckoneth with them" (Matt. 25:19).
In view of the lateness of the hour, surely every man and woman so fortunate as to be numbered with the WISE will put the work of the Master first. By self denial and loving sacrifice they will be turning people to righteousness and thus be found profitable servants at His soon appearing.
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